Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Retail [shudder]

Today at the bookmines the cheese found himself shelving a number of science related tomes, but the scientifical shelves were all packed so tight that a crowbar was required to take a book down. In light of this, and the large amount of newly arrived books the cheese had to put on said shelves, the cheese decided a little "discretionary pull" action was in order. Thusly, the cheese began ripping down a number of old and worn Astronomy titles and "placing" (read: tossing haphazardly) said books on the ground. After a number of books had found their way to the ground an elderly woman thought it might be a good idea to ask the cheese "Do you work here or are you just making a mess?"

The cheese just loves the kindness and respect shown to him and his fellow mine workers by the book buying public. And with that in mind the cheese would like to take this opportunity to say to all ungrateful book mine patrons out there:

Go screw yourselves!

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