Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Two days + two posts = one happy population of cheeselandia

While wiling away a few nocturnal hours at the ol' bookmines the cheese' mind went a-wanderin'. This is a common occurrence, of course, when one is forced to stare at multiple copies of this, this or god help us this for five straight hours. But as the deadening onslaught of the true mediocrity of the human race, as evidenced in its published materials, forces it way into the cheese psyche it seems that his thoughts are freed from the more mundane everyday issues one usually thinks about and his mind becomes more insightful and lucid. This may simply be a by-product of having to look at dozens of Harlequin lay down titles, though, as that causes some people to completely hallucinate. But the question remains, are these thoughts true insights, or are they just crap? As evidence the cheese presents two of this evening's musings....

1. Did anyone get a hang-over from that water that Jesus turned to wine? You'd think it would get you totally blitzed without the puking and dizziness, wouldn't you?

2. If you were having sex with Kali how rough would it get? Certainly there'd be some scratching and biting, but it seems like she'd be one to throw you on your back and ass fuck you with a strap-on until your anus bled.

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