Thursday, June 21, 2007

Harry Potter end revealed....

Or maybe this guy just has his head up his ass. It's hard to understand exactly what he says since, apparently, hackers no longer feel the need to use any semblance of intelligible language, but the gist of it is.....

don't read further if you don't want spoilers....

you're still reading......

maybe these are crap.....

maybe not.....

anyway, Snape kills Hagrid, Voldemort kills Hermoine (who dies to save Ron) and then Ron (possibly, again it's hard to understand this guys synopsis), and Harry ultimately kills Snape and Voldemort.

Seems reasonable enough to the cheese, except the Hermoine thing...well Rowling has said before that she's a lot more "vulnerable" (her exact word) then most people maybe the guy did get something right here. Of course Bloomsbury and Scholastic deny the claims...only time will tell.

1 comment:

exsulis said...

Yeah, the way the guy(at least I'm assuming its a guy) writes reminds me of when I was 5.