Thursday, January 18, 2007

No more regular soda...EVER!

Toward the end of a fairly stressful day, one in which the cheese found himself fighting off his second cold in three weeks (the blame goes to Suavo, even though he duly warned the cheese...), financial issues continued to cause stress, and a cold sore the size of a mid-size former Soviet state had blossomed on the cheese mouth, he decided to indulge himself and drink, for the first time in three weeks, a regular soda with all its (supposed) high-fructose corn syrupy goodness. Alas, an upset stomach, faint dizziness, and general malaise was all the cheese got from his ill advised indulgence.

A pox on thy house, REGULAR SODA! Never again shall you pass the cheese' lips!


exsulis said...

You shouldhave tried a Cold stone Ice cream. Now, that would have gotten you sick.

b_cheese said...

No, that probably would have killed the cheese....