Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sean Bean is, we can all agree, the greatest living actor...

Really, anything starring Sean Bean, even something as bad as say, National Treasure, is still good simply because Bean deigns to lend his quasi-godlike visage to it. And while the cheese hasn't seen The Hitcher yet, he did already complain to momma_cheese that is seems clear Bean's character dies at the end of the film, which is ridiculous because if Bean did decide to go on a homicidal rampage across some desert highways, there is no way in hell Sophia Bush and miscellaneous "good-looking" guy could stop him...and so this web comic gives a fairly satisfying compromise to the dilemma...

As an interesting aside, the cheese stumbled upon these at the ol' bookmines and is now racking his brains on how he might save up for them...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What, no link credit?
