Monday, July 18, 2005

The grass is always greener

The cheese has now finished his first week back at the ol' bookmines, and it has become painfully obvious that it is not an occupational decision he can live with for long. Having spent some time in the employ of a large multi-nation corporation that supplies decent benefits and a great work environment, the return to retail is a bitter pill indeed.

What's that faithful reader, what about all the complaints the cheese made while working for said large multi-national corporation? Well, nothing's perfect, is it? But this latest turn in the cheese' sordid employment history feels not like a step back, but more like a fall into a dark pit with no visible bottom.

It is, of course, a means to an end. Being at the store for the time being helps to facilitate graduate school, which will in turn facilitate finishing the Chronicles, which will facilitate the cheese' invasion of and eventual rule over the world of geek fiction.

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