Thursday, September 28, 2006

Disgusting, absolutely disgusting!

The cheese is going to, from this point forward, completely strip the use of the word LIKE from his vocabulary. While sitting in one of his GRADUATE level English classes yesterday evening he heard a fellow student use the word 32 times in 63 seconds. Clearly, the state of education in this country has sunk to some abyssal, hell-like level when such a thing can occur and said student is not verbally reduced to tears by the professor or the other students.

“You know” is also being retired…you know?

1 comment:

exsulis said...

Yeah, "you know" is one of the over-used annoying phrases, and the damn phrase doesn't help a conversation. It just adds more confusion. There was a day in Public speaking where in a 2 minute impromptu speech I heard a girl use "like," and "um" over 140 times then I just gave up counting and ignored her.