Saturday, April 08, 2006

An opinion from the left

Historically this form has not been a place for the cheese to air opinions/thoughts about political issues. But after this, this, and especially this
the cheese felt that something had to be said.

Now whoever you are, if your in the cheese' age bracket (mid to late 20's) or older you probably have a very strong opinion on our former president Clinton. And while the cheese isn't going to write a long treatise about the man or his presidency, he simply wants to make some comments.

Clinton, you may remember, was impeached for getting a bj in the oval office and lying about it.

Politicians are, as a species, inherently dishonest. It's part and parcel of the job/calling. But there necessarily exists a difference of degrees. And while one can make the argument that immorality is immorality, the cheese finds it hard to believe that one president can be impeached for what was essentially an affair in his private life (and didn't much concern anyone other than himself, his mistress, and his wife), and another president can illegally wire tap AMERICAN citizens and then have the arrogance to be SHOCKED that some people might be upset about it.

And, sure it's a post-9/11 world. The cheese understands this. But, if the way in which we combat our enemies undermines the values we've held dear for 200+ years, then we aren't actually winning any war.

Lastly, the cheese would simply like to make a comparison. Germany, during the 1930's was a country in turmoil, and many Germans were looking for something to "rescue" them from the state their country was in. Hitler, in a brilliantly political fashion, filled this void, and by so doing swayed many intelligent and otherwise right thinking individuals into following his doctrine and policies.

Fear (of Jews, Communists, Terrorists, or whatever) is the fascist's strongest and most subtle weapon. While the cheese is not calling Bush the next Hitler, certain parallels are nevertheless hard to ignore. The cheese continues to hold out that the American voting population will wake itself from this self-imposed stupor of the last few years. Indeed, Bush's continually flagging poll numbers seem to point to the fact that this might already be happening.

And as a parting thought the cheese would just like to say, thank god for the 22nd Amendment.

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