Friday, May 19, 2006

Where has the cheese gone?

Do not fear loyal citizens of Cheeslandia! Your benevolent overlord has not abandoned you. The past fortnight has found the cheese slaving away in the research paper/finals mines in the fabled land of Graduate Studies on the shores of the Overworked Ocean. But the cheese has come out better than ever! Well, the cheese came out, anyway.

As further proof that the cheese is possibly lacking in mental faculties, he agreed to start his new job ON THE SAME WEEK AS FINALS!!!!!! And did he stop there, oh no, because he is still toiling away (in the dark of night, and sun of Saturdays) at the bookmine. The cheese loves it when his work day starts at 8:30 AM and ends at 11 PM. AWESOME!

And it keeps getting better....cause the cheese and momma cheese get to move over Memorial Day weekend, as the school is only allowing us 48 hours to relocate all the shiznit in the hizouse!

Damn, yo, life is best...


exsulis said...

Umm, moving?

b_cheese said...

Into a university owned 3 bedroom, as opposed to the university 2 bedroom the family currently resides in...the extra room is for the extra human...

Tengu said...

I'm off of work on the 29th. Need some help?