Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Snakes on a Plane

The cheese isn't exactly sure why every one and his mother with an internet connection has a hard on for this movie...the cheese remembers when it was called Deep Blue Sea and had sharks, or when it had J-Lo and a riverboat and was called Anaconda, or when it was made by a real director and not stuck in a tube and called Birds. But one thing is for sure, it does have a catchy ass theme song. All of the cheese' instincts make him want to dislike the song; it's over produced and formulaic, and the band looks like they answered a Black Eyed Peas look alike casting call, but the cheese still likes it...go figure.

In other music news, Kevin and Bean played a song from the upcoming second Killers album and it sounded decidedly awesome. The album isn't due until October, but at this point it looks to be solid. And that's good, cause the first one rocked out with its cock out and there would be nothing more depressing than a weak follow-up.


Jezmon_Degyte said...

I don't quite understand why this movie is so popular either. The only way this movie could be good is if it is bad in an unintentional yet humorous way. I don't think they will be able to do this. I don't think anyone has successfully intentionally made a cult classic. People need to get over this idea that Samuel L. "motherf--'n" Jackson + cheesy action film = cool.

Plus the title and premise seem to be made by manatees(ala the south park episode about Family Guy).

b_cheese said...

Sure you can intentionally make a cult movie. The cheese would point to Dungeons & Dragons. It had Dungeons, and Dragons, and a Waynes brother!

exsulis said...

The Technical term for "That" movie is BAD.

Jezmon_Degyte said...

I said cult movie not "occult" movie. As in the devil himself shot that movie as a means of torture for Hollywood people in Hell and it accidentally got released here on Earth.

Jezmon_Degyte said...

Speaking of movies leaked out of hell with the intent to torture, check out this review for "Little Man." To paraphrase, it is as bad as it looks.

exsulis said...

The fact that this "He has them headbutted in what I refer to as the Reverse Midget teabag." in the review off aintitcool is a real statement.