Thursday, June 01, 2006

Longest day of my life!

Even when there is work to do, it's a serious effort to keep the bile from filling the cheese's mouth…but when it's slow, like today, the cheese is forced to pass the time by imagining various ways he might end his life with everyday office equipment; paperclips, staples, tacks, file folders, fax machines, etc. The mp3 versions of the Wheel of Time series that the cheese burned onto DVD's has gone a good way to alleviating the sucking gloom, but it's a bit like sticking your finger in the hole in a dam…it can only work for so long.

On a brighter note, the cheese and momma cheese start "Prepared Childbirth" classes tonight, which, is apparently code for Lamaze.


Jezmon_Degyte said...

At least you don't have customers accusing you of lying and cheating over an inch of box.

I am so pissed I could scream right now.

b_cheese said...

Go ahead and scream, maybe you'll scare exsulis...and that would probably bring a smile to your face...or, at least, it would bring a smile to the cheese's face

Jezmon_Degyte said...

I already slammed the phone down and yelled "fuck" as loud as possible and told them(even though they can't hear) to eat my infidelic shit and kiss my ass.

exsulis said...

I'm used to it by now. I generally know when Jezmon is getting annoyed so there is no supprise or fear.

Tengu said...

An inch of box?

exsulis said...

Yeah, UPS have 3 different size limits on boxes. They are insane to say the least. This is how you figure the limit:

Length + 2x Width + 2x Height

Oversized 1 is between 84, and 108 inch but you are charged for 30lbs if you're within thses numbers

Oversized 2 is between 108, and 130 inch but you are charged for 70lbs if you're within these numbers.

And then there is Oversized 3 is between 130, and 165 where are are charged as if it weights 90lbs, and you get a $40 surcharge on top for each package.

Jezmon is refering to a package being over the 130 inch limit by a inch, and some customer being a jerk about it.

Jezmon_Degyte said...

Yeah that's pretty much it. Mostly it was the guy's attitude. He had this attitude that we intentionally put the wrong dimensions into the UPS computer in an attempt to either a) be jerks, or b) rip them off. Both of these options are simply redonkulus. If we were trying to rip them off, we sure did a lousy job of it. Seeing as how we didn't get any extra money out of the deal and UPS got that much richer. And then he threatened to cancel payment on the charge and we had to arrange to get the product back to us at our own expense.

Either way they probably won't be ordering anything else from us ever.

b_cheese said...

Well, they don't sound like customer's you'd want anyway...the cheese will now banish them to work in the gouda quarry of lower east uncton!