Thursday, June 01, 2006

One good thing...

about the new job. The cheese can sit in the shade, next to a crapy water fountain, in the office complex adjacent to his, and get free internet thanks to someone/thing known as MI.

But don't you have internet access at work?

Well, yes...but they don't want the cheese using it, even though he's had all of THREE FUCKING ADS to proof since 8:30 this time taken to proof said ads--15 minutes!

The cheese never rightly understood how people could walk into an office and randomly pick off co-workers with automatic weapons...until now.


exsulis said...

May I introduce you to making labels. Not make one lable, and print 100 of them. No, make one label, print. Now, make a second label but make sure you can print it next to the first; repeat 100 times.

b_cheese said...

the cheese submits that, while making said labels is obviously boring, it passes the time much better than staring at ones hands...

exsulis said...

The Cheese could always paint some minis instead of looking at your hands.

exsulis said...

On a side note, it appears that Tandoor has second restaurant near the 91, and 57 freeway. At least according to the little card I picked up.

b_cheese said...

Jezmon mentioned that...

"And we shall journey there, and have our fill, and all will be well."

Tengu said...

My job is the exact opposite. Every time the phone rings, I groan to myself, "What fire do I have to put out that some family started on their own 2-4 years ago and let fester into a towering inferno."

b_cheese said...

But towering inferno's can be entertaining...if you don't happen to be inside...